How to stay connected with the books you read?

Have you ever struggled to retain the best parts/moments of a book you finished reading a while ago?

I'm sure you have. 

A human brain cannot retain exact things for a longer period unless we recall them on regular basis. 

And when it comes to books, it's all the way more difficult. 

I know you already have your ways to stay in touch with the books but just in case you want to know other simpler ways, I am sharing the hacks I use to keep the books fresh in my mind.

1. Annotation 

I have a serious OCD about cleanliness and just the thought of marking, underlining, or drawing things on my books makes me sick. So I never tried annotating books until recently. 

It's fun and gives a whole new perspective to reading a book. Annotation has not only helped me remember certain things of the story but also changed the way I visualize the sub-plots. 

It's pretty simple to annotate. You can use sticky notes or dog ears to write your observations. 

You can also underline the text or make diagrams.

I prefer underlining my favorite part and using sticky notes. 

2. Book Review Journal

Maintaining a book review journal is the most effective way to retain what you read. Imagine flipping over the pages of your journal to recall all the memories you created while reading. Trust me, it is as fascinating as it sounds. 

Pick out an interesting-looking journal from any stationery store and spill your heart out while you write about your current read. 

I prefer writing about the day I got my hands on that book instead of writing a book review. 

3. Writing down the Dates and Locations

I think it is evident to say that not many people do this but you should give it a try. Write down the date and place when you read a particular chapter so the next time when you go through that book, those places and dates will instantly bring back the moments you spend with your book.

I started by writing my name, the date on which I bought the book, and the place where I got this book from. With my next book, I'm going to do this with every lesson. 

Comment below your favorite hack out of all three and let me know what you do to remember everything you read.  


Shaini <3


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