Things I Miss about my Chilhood

Every kid wants to grow up to beat the curiosity of being an adult. But then adulthood is not as cool as it sounds. No matter, every kid wants to grow up to beat the curiosity of being an adult. But then adulthood is not as cool as it sounds. No matter, which age groups we are going through, we somehow create pros and cons of them.
Anyway, nobody in this world can deny that they don’t miss child their golden memories of childhood. So do me.
I’m in my early 20s and somewhere or the other I still feel like a kid but then I have to admit that I am not a kid anymore. Sad…
Well, I came up with a few things which I absolutely miss every now and then.

Flavored Candies

I can bet, you too remember eating these candies in a huge group of friends. Though we can still eat it and experience nostalgic vibes. Whenever I pass by a school or streets in general during schooling hours, I can’t stop myself to buy those sour bites or multi-colored candies.
And the best part is that the brand obsession for these supplies cannot spoil its charm.

Greeting Cards

Who can forget spending hours and hours making those cool greeting cards…
I don’t know how many of you did that but I literally used to make wishing cards for every possible occasion or festival. For me, these were the only things to gift to your well-wishers or loved ones. I feel its way better than putting up a story on social media to show your love and affection.


I am a big, big, big hoarder of stationary till date. But now I can only put it in my almirah and smile alone. It was different during schooling. Those who still love to collect fancy pencils or other stationary material would understand that how cool trendsetters we used to feel among our classmates after flaunting our pencil boxes containing a couple of unique stuff.

Carefree Mind

I think everyone swears by this advantage of childhood.
When the stress and tensions were limited to endless homework and exams…
No burden of responsibilities…
I still miss the time when we used to be so carefree about every possible thing associated with my life because I knew my parents gonna tackle the problems.
And now I curse myself for being an adult and want to go back in time to live in childhood again.

Absence of Technology

I tried digital detox so many times and I failed it. This made me think how easy it was to find happiness in little things just a decade ago when I didn’t have any gadget or smartphone.
Life was sorted man!!!
Believe it or not, we were still living peacefully and now we are surviving with even easier mediums.

If you miss anything out of what I listed above then comment it down.

Happy Children's Day :)


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