The Reality Check!

I boarded the metro at 8 in the morning to reach my office. It was Monday and I am sure you can feel the hustle already. Well, I sensed the same as soon as I entered the coach. I somehow managed to make some space for myself to stand in the crowded area. In between, I noticed a girl talking over a phone call, 

“I…I will be there in a while, you just go… don't wait for me… just make sure you don’t let anyone realize that I am late… again.” 
She was loud enough to draw the attention of most of the people around her and I was one of them. She might be talking to one of her colleagues or a friend. 
It seems really annoying when someone observes you for absolutely no reason especially when you’re traveling. I forgot to carry my earphones that day and the network also fluctuates while traveling So, NO INTERNET, NO MUSIC! 
Instead of killing my misery, I kept on observing the woman shamelessly! She traded another gossip and this is how I got to know about the party she had a night before and the hangover made her late that morning. 
Her words not only made me smile but also gave me a chance to enjoy that ‘one-minute happiness’ because I was not late that day(unlike every Monday morning!). 
You must have faced this at least once in your life. Well, I am more concern about the lies we keep telling to everyone. We always try to find a convenient of escaping out when it comes to serious issues; sometimes even for the tiniest problems also! 
Making false statements seems easier than giving a simpler explanation. 
And this is how we prompt complications. Have ever you thought why do we afraid to say the truth? Personality factor matter a lot!!! That’s the only answer and you can’t deny. For the sake of a bonafide character, we keep hiding the real things. But that’s never gonna maintain your goodwill in the society you live in. Believe it or not, you cannot hide the truth for long and when it comes out, you have to capable enough to face the consequences. Even if you tend to take the support of another lie, then you can never become a promising identity. 
“Sometimes it’s okay to lie” this how we conclude it!

The most appropriate conclusion would be the one when you keep the things clear and not to hide them because it’s hard to remember the lies but truths are unforgettable commitments.


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