A 'Proven' character

Do you know we are lawyers by birth?? No??..!
I could bet that we are for sure. I know, you are thinking that I am joking but actually I am saying the truth.
Every day, we spend around 2-3 hours in spreading ‘free ka gyan’ or proving something with full of dedication. This is what the lawyers do. Right??
The only difference is they doesn’t provide that ‘gyan’ for free but for fee.
Anyways, just forget such professional things for a while. So, as I said, we spent few of hours in giving free advices and we get the same each day. The point is why there is a need of any opinion?
At the time where we get trapped in any problem or where we want to convince anyone for something.
It’s a good thing to let people speak or exchange opinions with you but the people who always try to get a supportive argument from any other person on their own behalf, seems coward most of the time. No offense, but this is what I think that how easily people could judge a situation before its’ happening. For instance, when a kid tries to get the permission from his/her parents for an educational trip planned by school, his/her friends put more efforts to convince his/her friend’s parents than the kid himself/herself. The only problem is that kid already judges that “my parents would never give a ‘yes’ to me” without even try to ask them for the same.
The thing happens with lots of people either we always try to prove ourselves right (just in first attempt) or bring another person to support. We give up very easily when it comes up to us and for others we have millions of advices to share. So, where is the problem??
We have to create our image or character in such a way so that we could easily present ourselves without being nervous, if at any point of time we need to prove ourselves right or to convince anyone for something. To adopt any other persons’ support must be the second option but try to put every possible attempt by yourself for the same without giving up.
Create guts to face the situation and if you are right then nobody could get you wrong. Just prove yourself right so it could seems like you convinced them.



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