Never lose 'Hope'

The basic confusion is people thinks that hope and expectations are the same thing which is absolutely wrong. The basic difference is that expectations refers to our conceptions about a person and when the same conceptions comes to us or what we expect from ourselves it becomes ‘hope’.
A very common quote ‘never lose hope, brings an energy and confidence to live or work more at the moment we read it out. But on the other second we lost it.
Whenever we start or going to start any work either it is related with our professional life or with our personal life, we finally execute such work with hope of getting something big in return. And the time of such return gift, we start feeling happy and such awesome feeling suddenly brings a change in our lifestyle.
Yeah, seems very smooth. No twist and turn simple and positive life.
Of course, its fact. Hope is like a directly proportional emotion with our thinking and attitude. To create a hope for something needs courage and that courage comes only when we are positive with our life. The only thing stops us to lose hope is ‘fear’. Fear of losing dreams, fear of facing problems, fear of encounter with failure, fear of what would people say and much more. And this fear further makes a person suddenly negative about his/her life.
Once you get negative, every happening of life comes to you, would become a nightmare for you.
There is a major percentage of people who lost their dreams and aims of life just because of such fear because they don’t have hope that they will always get something bad or just opposite of what they want to have or achieve.
When it comes to achieve something, everything starts evolving around hope.
Guys, keep this thing in mind more positive you think without losing hope, more you will learn and achieve. If, just only for once you lose hope while struggling to get something you would lose your dreams and its’ consequences too. And once you lose your dreams, the regret of it will remain same forever.
So guys don’t be hopeless and be positive about your life. Don’t be afraid about what would be the result. Just think you would learn something either the result is positive or negative.
Thanks a lot for letting us know what actually the term hope implies. Your blogs alwyz motivates me and it did the same this time too . please let some more inspirational blog coming to us.
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