Pain of Aimlessness

I know it sounds very awkward. Very few of us have guts or dare to spend a day in a desert. And obviously, no one wants to put his/her life on any risk. Desert also seems like such risk.
But I would like to say some of us are still living in a desert or experience desert every day!!
Don’t worry; I am not giving you bad wishes. I am just disclosing the fact. Let’s see how.
Every person is born to achieve something or struggling to fulfil our dreams. The task of struggle becomes quite easy only if, our targets are pre decided and we have a correct direction. There are some people who are aimless even having all the correct directions and a perfect atmosphere to decide or achieve any target. The only problem is they don’t understand the worth of anything.
But, what about those who are still aimless even after having the same atmosphere and have the passion and potential to achieve something?
Very few of us fall in such category. We have facilities, directions, atmosphere and we are struggling and working hard as well but still we are aimless or we are not able to decide a target for ourselves.
So, what are we seeking for in such atmosphere if we don’t have any targets? Why are we struggling or working hard too much? Why we came here if we couldn’t decide any aim for us?
Let’s imagine a situation and forget the stuff I discussed above for a minute.
Suppose you saw a dream or say you have set a goal for your future and you got the correct direction towards the success. Suddenly, a disaster (which could be anything) came and your dream is destroyed. Again you tried for the same but again another disaster came and your dream destroyed again until you lost your passion and switch to another unwanted dream.
Mostly, after such situation, we feel aimless and ultimately this pain of aimlessness leads to impatience, demotivation and negative perspectives and we start feeling that we are wasting each day of our life but we don’t stop working hard or struggle every day to achieve something being ignorant about that ‘something’.
So is it very good to be aimless or could anyone tolerate the pain of aimlessness?
Just try to think, if you are in an atmosphere where you are not supposed to exist or not want to be there previously, but still you are struggling for a bright tomorrow, so just believe in yourself you are not lost. Yes I agreed it takes time as it is not an easy task to create a new aim. Every day comes with a new lesson and most of the time it seems better than yesterday. While deciding, so many obstacles comes in your way and nobody leave a chance to provoke you for other things but once you get an opportunity, directions and regain you passion nothing could hit you back.
The people who voluntarily declared themselves an aimless and don’t understand the reality, the time will teach them a lesson one day.
But those who are genuinely working hard day by day for their future just need few ingredients to recreate yourself if you are completely confused about your goals:
Examine the desert (atmosphere you chose for your next goal)
Prepare yourself (refine your capabilities)
Start walking (clear your vison)
Don’t stay at the same place for longer (don’t waste time)
Avoid mirage (don’t get confused just focus)
Find suitable direction (ensure the direction)
And you will get a village (no more aimlessness)
And don't forget..
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